
Darling Don't Forget


09-12-2013, 06:08 PM

Weariness settled over the woman as her legs shook with a hidden enemy. She had been walking forever, not even knowing where she was going. Yet something led her here, where mingled unfamiliar scents surrounded the area. Glancing around warily, she settled down under a tree. The sky overhead was dark, threatening to rain soon. She sat there, wondering where she was. She felt like something had called her here, but had no recollection of ever being here. Yet something somewhere deep within herself, felt like she had been here once before...Her body shivered with the cold winds that blew across the earth, her patchy pelt shivering. At one point in time, she had been a really beautiful woman. Well taken care of, smooth soft silky coat, vibrant green eyes were now a forgotten memory of the past. The whites of her fur were a dirty almost black, the star nearly fading into the darkness of her pelt.

She tucked her paws under her chest, her hind leg throbbing with a dull pain from what she couldn't remember. Her body was soreness all over, the traveling taking a toll on her small body. She was afraid to sleep, the nightmares of something unknown to her would attack her in the night. All she would see was swirling darkness, water engulfing her as she flailed helplessly in its depths. The dragging pull of dread would tear at her mind as she tried time and time again to recollect what had happened. But each time all she would draw up was a blank, and a throbbing sensation in the back of her head. With a sigh, she looked up to the sky and let loose a long hollow howl. The song was hollow, filled with an emptying sadness that not even she knew was there. Her soul cried for what it once knew, and it cried for what she had lost.