
Like a thousand doves




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
01-11-2021, 09:25 PM
Void had responsibilities and his siblings to look after and protect at home, but for right now he wouldn’t worry. Not soon enough they would be out searching, and he’d be far and away from this special place. He didn’t know the dynamics between Plague and the family within Ashen’s borders, but Void had taken up his place in protecting what family he had left. Gloom and Spirit, such small numbers but they were everything to him, up until Plague stole his place in Void’s heart. Thankfully they didn’t dwell long, it was hard to think of family when it was so easy to catch himself staring into Plague’s jade eyes. They shared all of these new experiences and emotions and both quickly realized what it meant. Void never saw himself falling in love, he never had the desire to look, but Plague had found him.

He could feel the close of the night as Plague pulled away again, leaving room for Void speckled form to return to his feet. He sighed softly as Plague apologized for the snow and he shook his pelt lightly to rid it of any clinging snow. Void found himself grinning, ”I’d let you do it again.” Even though Plague offered to make their time here much more comfortable the next time they met. Void looked down and felt his expression falter. How long would next time be? Void aimed to nudge Plague’s neck consolingly, knowing the feeling he spoke of. Even before tonight he’d thought a lot about the man he was readying himself to say goodbye to again.

”Don’t rush.” He told him solemnly. ”Spirit, and Gloom, my brother and sister, we’re going to go and find out mother. I don’t know how long we’ll be gone.” His dark ears fell to his skull as he told him. "We'll meet here again, I just don't know when. I want to make our way to Auster, that was where she'd gone when we were first separated. " His guilt quickly returned, and he suddenly felt like he had to renew his efforts and more to find Eulogy. So his family could be complete, and he could be with Plague.