



09-12-2013, 06:14 PM (This post was last modified: 09-12-2013, 06:20 PM by Themisto.)

Dragging, dragging, dragging. The man pulled and tugged on what could be a new friend or enemy. He wasn't in this for the after effects, all he wanted to do was help this man then send him on his way. He barley looked up at the woman who was helping him, he was too focused on helping get this man to Kennocha lake. It seemed to be the closest to the battlefield, and the woman seemed to be going in that direction as well, and he didn't protest it. She seemed to know him, which was good. He didn't want to be completely alone with this stranger, after all, he didn't know how he would react when he woke up. Finally, after what seemed like hours, they reached the lake. He continued pulling until they reached the waters edge.

Panting he finally released the man scruff and looked up at the woman who had been helping him. The white kings blood dripped from his features, and now he could feel it matted into his fur. He needed to wash it off, but he would wait until the man was tended to. "Thank you for helping me ma'am. I would have been ashamed of myself if I would have let that go on any longer." He smiled politely to her, but not too enthusiastically. He didn't want to take away the seriousness of the situation, but still be polite at the same time. "We need to get this off and wash that wound with some water. I licked most of it clean, but some fresh water should do the trick. It should feel good too." His eyes drifted back toward the man. He wondered if they would need to drag him, or if he would regain consciousness before that was needed.
