
Like a thousand doves




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-11-2021, 10:18 PM

Thinking about the undetermined amount of time that might stretch between now and when they would see each other again was hard to come to terms with, something he could see in Void's face as well. He hoped that time would pass faster than they realized and before they knew it they would be together. He wanted to be optimistic, no matter how hard that was for him to do. He gave a solemn nod when Void informed him about the trip that he and his siblings would be making to Auster in order to look for his mother. He wanted to go with them to help him on his search, but he knew that he couldn't abandon his place among his family to do so. There were things he needed to take care of in the mean time.

"Be safe," he told him with a soft smile, doing his best to hide the disappointment at the news that it might be longer than he originally thought before they met here again. "If you need anything during your journey or if you're passing Ashen's lands and need a place to stay, call for me." He didn't care what sort of excuse he had to make to be able to give them refuge, he was worth the fight. He leaned his cheek against Void's as he added, "I hope you find her." He pulled back enough to see Void's eyes again and to give him a gentle kiss before he finally made himself turn away to go back home. If he lingered any longer he wasn't sure he'd ever actually leave. Plague cast a glance over his shoulder after a few moments, watching Void's form fade into the distance. The farther away he got the harder each step became.
