
Sentinel on the Trail




3 Years
01-11-2021, 10:30 PM

Asuka Omori

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop

As if to ease her fear further, the stranger relaxed fully, and Asuka found herself almost following suit - almost. Her muscles twitched as she caught herself beginning to unwind, her body remaining upright and rigid. He answered her question promptly, and easily - which surprised her. Her expression was still tense and painted with fear, but her gaze was sharp as she watched him. He gave his title along with his name, and even pointed out where where he belonged. Her eyes instinctually followed the direction he indicated before snapping back. So there was at least one pack here, and perhaps nearby, depending on how big this Boreas was. The woman let out a small sigh as she tucked away the information he provided, making a mental note to avoid the northwest. Asuka couldn't help but to jump yet again when a bird dropped to the man's back, her wings so silent that she hadn't the chance to even glance at her before she was settled. Curiosity began to chip through her frozen fear, moving slightly from her spot on the ground to try and get a better view of his supposed friend.

The brush beneath her was finally starting to let itself be known, and she couldn't help but shift her weight to try and find a more comfortable cowering spot. She met the man's eyes again, a sense of self winning against her constant mood; it would be impolite to not introduce herself after he offered so much freely. "Asuka Omori." The tip of her muzzle dipped ever so minutely, her true native language shining through as she spoke her name. "Where was the battle?" Eyes dropped to the armor upon his back for a moment, before sense reminded her that she was not here to make friends with a stranger. Her gaze was suddenly averted, shifting uneasily again.

Talk talk talk is all you do
Thinking is too much work