
Before I lose my mind




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-12-2021, 06:50 PM

Plague was so wrapped up in his own thoughts that he didn't notice his sister's presence until she was at his side. He didn't quite jump, but she did startle him enough for his gaze to dart toward her and for his shoulders to tense a bit, but as soon as he saw who it was he relaxed again. "Venom," he commented softly in a short sort of greeting before letting his gaze slip back to the leather armor in front of him. When she nuzzled into his neck his expression didn't change, but the flick of his ears and his subconscious lean into her touch gave away how it affected him. His chest squeezed uncomfortably, but he didn't pull away from her. He couldn't meet her gaze though he wished he had the courage to do so.

Was his behavior noticeable enough for her to feel like she had to come to him like this? He supposed it must been. Why else would she do this? He had tried so hard to at the very least hide his emotions, but that had clearly been at the expense of connecting with his family and pack. Keeping to himself was the opposite of what he had wanted to be doing, but he wasn't sure how else to cope. He was quiet for some time, his conflicting and complicated thoughts only swirling exponentially out of control the longer he laid there with Venom against his side. When he did speak he did his best to keep the emotion from his voice, though he wasn't sure if he was entirely successful. "Do you think... Do you still..." Where did he even begin? As he tried to form the questions none of them felt right.

"Do you still believe all of father's lessons?" he asked softly, flipping the armor over again absently just to keep his paws working on something to offer his mind a slight distraction. It wasn't necessarily as direct as he could have been and certainly wasn't a direct way to discuss the most pressing issue, but it was still something that he had begun to wonder even before he crossed paths with Void. A conflict of interests mixed with a loss of confidence topped with not knowing who or what he was... Finding his feelings for the man that wore a coat of stars was just the tipping point to send it all crashing down.
