
let it snow

Caed, seasonal prompt

Quinn I


2 Years
01-12-2021, 10:41 PM
(Thoughts Speech)

The kill was done, the hunger was filling him, the snow was falling fast, and the family he loved was here to share it all with him. Quinn moved forward and watched as Caed turned and dug into the kill, smiling as he watched his brother filling his stomach with ravenous bites. The flesh of the sheep tearing easily as blood poured out, staining the ground a deep red as the smell filled up Quinn's nose, a strong and rich odor that made his stomach cramp with the hunger coursing through him. He looked at his mate and nodded, before moving in to find their spot for the meal. Quinn chose the hindquarter, it was stringy and tough, but there was a fair bit of meant in a small area, so he wouldn't bother the others as he ate, digging in and savoring the delicious flavor of every bite melting on his tongue, the fat and blood acting like a perfect accompaniment to the strong, distinct flavor of sheep's meat.

When the meal was done, Quinn sat down, feeling his full belly weighing him down for the first time in weeks. A satisfied belch and sigh escaped him as he spoke to his brother and mate: "Sorry, excuse me, anyone else too full to move almost?" his tone was half-joking as he looked around him, glancing at the carcass as his eyes scanned the horizon, when he saw it. Eyes widening, he shouted "A cave! Look!" and sprinted over to it, huffing as the meat weighed him down and made it hard to breath while he ran. He reached the cave and sat down immediately, admiring the cave's depth, as it was several times longer than he was, making it perfect for sheltering from the wind. "I guess I know where we're sleeping tonight." He said, as his eyes lit up with an idea. The tawny man ran over to the carcass and pulled the pelt of the sheep (or what was left of it anyway) along with him, rubbing it in the snow to get the blood off the pelt, before laying it on the floor of the cave and spreading it out. "We can use this to lay on, and keep us off the ground." He said, casting glances that searched for approval to his brother and his love.
Quinn Kearney

(Eirnan and Caedmon may join in on any thread that Quinn is in, since they are traveling in a group.)