
Darling Don't Forget


09-12-2013, 06:32 PM
The sky darkened above as the soul beneath it wandered the borders of the land. Over and over and over again, no luck, pain, but no gain. Hope flickered like a candle in the Nan's heart. She will come back, he knew she would. She could take as much time as she long as she came back to him. One unsettling thought was now at rest, his daughter was home now. Two out of three of his children were home and safe. Thane wondered how Ravine was doing...everything was falling apart. Stopping by the border the brute let out a sigh. The sky rumbled above and thundered softly in the distance. The storm that was brewing was getting closer. Looking up Thane set his aqua blue gaze on the gray clouds above. They darkened with each passing moment, just like his heart. Dark did it not get but saddened. A small drizzle started as the man lowered his head and dipped it. White lines ears lay against his head as the rain fell upon him. What one couldn't see during the rain was why he chose now to let it out. Tears, emotion, was what Thane was letting loose. His shoulders shook as the tears fell from his eyes silently. Small sounds of in taking breaths could be heard as his throat tightened. The pain, and sadness, and loneliness fell from his eyes in the form of tears. Why did things have to happen like this. He wasn't the same anymore.

As tears fell his mind raced, images of bloody scenes and dead pack mates filled his mind. His hallucinations were coming back. Only one thing had stopped them before, and that was Ookami. He needed her as much as she needed him...or by the looks of things maybe she didn't need him at all. Despite the thought Thane pushed that aside. That he would not even believe for a moment. His heart swelled, he loved her very much and still does. She will come, and when she does he will be the happiest man on Earth. You would think life was perfect for him. Life wasn't perfect if she wasn't there to share it with him.

The rain went back to a drizzle as Thane lifted his head up. Taking in a deep breath he stood up and continued walking. A distant howl filled the air, a hint of sadness was what he heard hidden beneath it's tone. Either way, Thane understood how this wolf may feel, the sadness they must feel but push aside. Turning his course around the male followed the howl. It sounded somewhat familiar but the sound of the rumbling of thunder made it hard to tell if it was someone he knew or not. It had only taken a few moments for the man to make his way towards a certain tree, a tree with a black wolf beneath it. A dame sat beneath the tree, her pelt seemed to be all black. He couldn't tell if she had other markings due to the mud caked in her fur, just black fur so far. With a soft nod for a greeting the brute stood before her waiting for her to look at him. He couldn't quite se where eyes from the angle he was at.

"Hello Miss...are you alright? I heard your call and figured you may need someone to talk to. My name is Thane Tsarev...what may your name be?" he said before quietly sitting down on his haunches. His broken leg was all but a memory besides his slight hobble. It was obvious he was hurt still but it didn't feel painful anymore, just like a dead weight. With one last sigh he sat patiently waiting for a reply from the woman.