
A solid maybe on not a date



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
01-13-2021, 05:04 PM
He had seen Resin off, and he knew she was gone. It was another to see it for himself he wondered what it would be like to enter the hot springs and find it empty. But he wouldn't let it bring him down, perhaps he could make a trip out of it another time. Him and Hikaru could take an adventure down their, and see Resin's new terratory. No doubt his grandmother could make use of two young boys in setting up and building. Perhaps, just maybe, Mortis could get a few tips to building a home well he was at it. he filed the thought away for another day. One adventure at a time, right? today was a hot springs dat-er, trip.

He had grabbed one of the bags stored in the celler, and filled it with a variety of dried goods. from salmon to honeyed pork. A couple of cantens were tossed in for good measure. They may well need something cold to drink after spending some time in the steaming hot springs water. What else could they possibly need? He added in a basic first aid kit. Not that he knew much about healing, but he could kiss a booboo and toss a patch over it. They wouldn't endure anything worse, he would potect Hikaru. Not that his fighting-fit friend would need protection. But... it would be his honour anyway.

Now he was just missing one thing - the boy himself. Bag over his shoulder, and the early hours of the morning barely beginning, he trotted back to his den under the cover of darknes. Taking a seat in the den entrance, and waiting for his friend to awake.