
Twenty Questions

Fel ♡



3 Years
01-14-2021, 04:11 AM

As the pair sat together, Fel told him of her wishes. She wanted the three of them to be together. Partners. Lovers. Together in all ways. There was always a chance of rejection, but she hadn't quite expected the sting in his words. How could she be so sure? Was anyone ever completely sure of anything? The woman's blackened lips pulled down in a frown as she expected his next words to be a harsh no. Was she really not up to par? Were his doubts in her? She couldn't blame him for that. The silver streaked woman hadn't given them much about her background or her current place in the world. What she had given them was herself. Her true self. And so, as she felt the doubt directed at her, Fel was saddened.

And then he spoke again. The doubts were not in her, but in himself. Azriel spoke again and his lips brushed softly along her forehead. Ruby eyes closed as she savored the placed affection. This was why. This was how she knew. This was why, no matter what he was or what he had been, she chose him. It was indeed a choice for all of them. Sibyl and Azriel had chosen one another and now she was choosing them both. It seemed as though they were choosing her as well.

The big brute promised to be what she needed, but clearly stated that he couldn't be anything other than what he was. The statement was completely absurd and terribly funny. A soft scoff escaped via a rush of air through the woman's dark nares. A faint, whispering laugh followed. Pulling herself from his side, the slender woman shook her head, laughter still emanating from her, though no more than a ghosting of sound was released. She took a few steps away, staring out over the ocean ahead of them.

Perhaps the fact that he thought she wanted him to change proved what types of relationships he'd been in before, if any. Sibyl was fairly submissive and no doubt had to take him as he was. Fel on the other paw could fight against him; against those traits that she didn't like. Ah, but then he wouldn't be a partner at all. He would be nothing but a slave. If she wanted a slave, she could go buy one at any point. She hadn't, and so that obviously wasn't her desire.

"Just as I don't know what you've been and what you've done, you don't know me." Her voice was soft but clear. She didn't turn to face him, only stood there staring out over the undulating sea. "If someone asked me to change what I am, I would bridle and balk. I would never ask it of you." She hadn't bee asked to change for Aerie. It was simply expected. "I chose you because of what you are. Not who you were. I chose you in the hopes that, together, the three of us might culminate into something devastatingly beautiful." The corners of her maw lifted in a smile as she mused. "A cataclysm."

Fel canted her skull ever so slightly. Just enough to fix him with one blood-moon eye. "You've seen me at my weakest and you didn't take advantage. That's how I can be sure. I chose you. I chose both of you." Pulling her gaze away, she closed her eyes against a gust of salty sea air. "And I hope that you choose me."


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Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.