
The Scarred and The Royal

Nox Nightingale Come Meet Your Hunted.



5 Years

01-14-2021, 06:34 PM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2021, 07:17 PM by Yautja.)
The first of her words vibrated within his ears and a choice to ignore them was made. They were filler words in this conversation at most, most likely meant to comfort her in these depressing times. A meager attempt given the circumstances as a sea-green eye glanced down at her paw. "Is a mother not allowed to grieve the loss of her children?” So. That's what she was doing and a heavy breath slithered its way out of his mouth, white fog pouring into the air around him. "Why cry over what you can make more of." A harsh statement to a mother mourning... unless she wasn't mourning at all; but simply that her children were gone from her presence. In that case, it was neither grieving nor mourning. "What you call grieving isn't grieving at all."

The cold-blooded beast lifted his scarred paw and looked down upon it, studying the mangled flesh that lies before his very eye. There was nothing in this world more tragic than loss this was true, but what is gone from one is not lost to the world. "It's more like a pathetic attempt at self-loathing. Your children aren't dead. That would be too easy to assume." " Oh, and you just know everything about me, don’t you?” Another question by her followed and he looked back up to her sorrow-filled look, watching her breath out a steady fog in return. Signals of annoyance had begun to set and the flowers were blooming rather quickly. "I know nothing, nor care to know anything about you." The sentence spewed out of lips like venom from a snake, blinking once revealed that the muscles within his left eye had steadily failed. That eye wouldn't blink like the other, rather it looked as if his soul had been trapped in that rotten orb. His body shifted and his fur flexed to dissipate the weight that was it was forced to carry. "The true loss of a child in death, is held heavier to a mother than one that has simply left the nest. Not choosing to follow momma like a bitch any longer."

" You want to know what I think?”

"Not really, your words mean less than nothing to me.

A beam of silver light shined its way onto his back, lighting up his body and all the scars upon it for her. This wasn't something he had ever thought about nor cared to mention. His tail hung between his legs as his neck flexed, watching her examine him like a person rather than a chunk of meat. "You speak as though you have experience." There was a short pause between her words, giving his right eye time to blink again. " Did you find yourself broken at some point? What happened to you I wonder? Did you lose someone? Certainly would explain the bitterness in your voice. Perhaps…” Why would he ever feel the need to be broken. A bitterness in his voice? Inaccurate. There was zero reasons to be bitter to this bitch before him. The only need or point of this was to tell her like it was. "I am neither broken nor bitter. You don't exactly stir any feelings within me.. let alone the feeling of bitterness." A response to her question was followed by a voice colder than a frozen lake.

"“Perhaps, you shut emotions out in order to survive, or because you found them an inconvenience. Those eyes certainly don’t belong to a man who knows happiness, trust, or love, and if you had experienced them… You would be crying too.”

"Emotions are a weakness I was never born with, they are neither an inconvenience nor an advantage. You would be correct in that I know no happiness, trust, or love. This world is violent and to have all three of those.. means you're living a sweet little white lie."

You would be crying too.

Now that he thought about it.... no, no he wouldn't be crying. Nothing in his life had ever given him a reason to cry. There wasn't anything that was important enough to give him such thoughts. "Experiencing... crying. No, I do not believe I would cry. I could lose happiness, trust, and love all in one day. And just like the sun and moon never stopping, neither would my life. It goes on and I still breathe when I lie my head down to sleep. When I wake that would be a new day and a new chance to experience them again." The tones coming off his tongue were more like a careless whisper, looking upwards to the stars as his sea-colored orb narrowed. "You don't hear the stars cry when one of them dies."

“I might look pitiful, but you look dead, inside and out and that alone is something to pity."

There it was again. Another fucking pause in her words.

"I can shed a tear or two for you if you like.”

"I have never died nor lived, to begin with, I simply exist here and at this moment I stare down upon a fallen... whore... queen... daughter.... mother... Whatever you were, what you are now is pathetic. You sit here alone and cast your fucking pity onto a defenseless flower. Yet, when that flower is crushed and the symbol of hope is snuffed out before your eyes... You look to the one who killed the hope and cast your pity upon them." Flanks would rise and fall with each long and drawn out-breath as he stood there before her relocking eyes with her. Here was a woman searching for all the damn excuses in the world to continue her little groveling fest. "Oh, and yes, I am very selfish, among other things. But you, my dear, have no room to talk.” "Yet here I am. Talking." “-And if you had better knowledge of snowdrops, you would know that the snowdrop is also a symbol of consolation and sympathy. Which are both traits you very much seem to lack.”

The heavily scarred right paw snapped upwards in an attempt to slap the woman across the left side of her cheek, fed up with excuse after excuse to continue her pity. "Whatever symbol that flower stood for it ... is...dead. Stop looking to the past for the answers to your insulting way of life. You are here and breathing living a privileged life, most don't get that opportunity, for their past is the end.....snuffed out...... before they're.... even six months old." His voice trailed off in the end, thinking back to his own sins and the consequences that came from those actions. "Stop lying to yourself. Your precious fuckin children aren't coming back and you need to accept it already."
Yautja has an Arabian Accent. He is prone to Violence and Cussing.