



Advanced Fighter (85)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut1KValentines 2020Trick 2019
01-14-2021, 08:13 PM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2021, 09:19 PM by Eligos.)
Aerie's Den Sites

Cryer's Ravine

Dens in this area are often found in cool, dark caves in the grassy cliff face, and the area within the ravine itself is soft moss and grass pleasantly overshaded by trees - a pleasant place to take crafts to work on even in the hot summers. A flat granite boulder, its dark surface veined with clear quartz, rests in a sunny area chosen for meetings. A clear spring bubbles up in the depths of one cave to send a rivulet of cool water down one side of the ravine, providing a small amount of water for those who live there.

Name Here - den description here

Iroh - secluded cavern in the ravine, couple rooms smells like fragrants herbs, firepit outside
Dantalian - in the southernmost part of the ravine high up in one of the walls. The entrance of the den is marked by a cascade of half finished projects hanging from the wall or laying on the ground below.
Saren - den in the ravine that has a number of crafts and storage, some racks for drying herbs and some pots storing them. A tanned animal pelt on the floor and a small pile of crafting objects yet to be turned into something

Wolfpaw Lake

This area is a wetland in the spring and early summer, though it recedes in late summer and fall. Dens here risk being damp and muddy unless special measures are taken to ensure it stays dry inside. Water is easily accessible for washing, and clay can be found in places around the lake's banks for those who know where to look. Herbs grow well here, and the wetlands teem with water creatures of all sorts, from frogs and crayfish to turtles, fish and waterfowl. In some places in the wetland areas, log paths are laid down to reduce mud. Some comfortable grottos have been created for wolves, often the healers and hunters, to gather in for lessons and socializing.

Name Here - den description here

Skælingr & Ragna - In a small hill over looking the lake is a dugout den reinforced with timber. There's a fire pit out front and odds and ends of pottery and projects they are working on.
Asmodeus - near the border in a cardboard box like a sad hobo a badly dugout old den with quills stuck into the sides