
At the end of the rainbow



01-15-2021, 10:59 AM
The galaxy colored princess was content in spending her days alone and exploring the new lands in which she called home. This place was expansive and although she had considered joining a pack to settle into the life of typical wolves, she wondered what all could be out there for her. She wanted to explore and see the land before settling down somewhere without knowing what she was missing. Maybe there was a better place that where she would settle and that certainly wasn't something she was comfortable thinking.

She'd been residing in eastern territories for some time now, particularly the damp mangrove that she would have never been allowed to visit had she been back home. This place was far too dirty for a princess, but that was all the more reason she was enjoying it now. It was an unfavorable place to be, especially now with the cooler winds making the damp air even cooler. Frost clung to the swampy grasses, though only enough to melt as soon as it was touched. It still wasn't terribly cold, but definitely colder than she was used to.

It had been months now since she first settled in this new land and so picking up a scent she recognized caught her by surprise. She hadn't met many besides a matching purple boy and this certainly wasn't his scent, or any of the other scents she'd picked up on while traveling this area. This was more than familiar, honestly. This scent was ingrained into her brain like family, and he was probably the closest thing she had to family anymore.

Although the skip in her heartbeats excited her, it also worried her. She knew he likely would've been seen down to search for her and ultimately bring her back to the throne and altar. Stopping in pawsteps, she weighed her options. Meteor had been her best friend since they were pups, did that mean anything to him now? Or would he simply collect her and return her like he was told to do?

A hard swallow settled her decision and she hesitantly moved forward to investigate the scent and see where he was hiding. She wondered how he found her all the way out here anyway, or if it was simply by chance they ended up in the same place. Once she found his relaxing form underneath one of the many trees, she paused with a great distance between them, in case she needed to flee.

"M...Meteor?" She called out quietly, unsure if it was him by sight but certain by scent.