
An honor to have you as a daughter

Fihona dad date!


01-15-2021, 11:54 AM
Fionha never didn't enjoy any affection from her parents. Being lifted and adored on by her father warmed her from the inside and she returned his affections with a smile and childish giggle. Her tail, wagging a mile a minute, would certainly be sore later if this kept up! Excitement was bubbling in her bones at the mention of doing whatever she wanted today. There were so many options, and so little time to decide! Idea after idea ran through her brain, but she could only settle on one thing. She wanted to learn. Anything he could teach her, she would soak it up like a sponge. She wanted nothing more than to be like her parents, so who better to learn from then the idols themselves?

"Teach me something! Anything!" She smiled a toothy grin, settled on the simple task of learning today. Of course, she learned everyday, but today would be different. Undivided attention from her father to teach her any and everything he had to teach. Family history, lessons he'd learned in his life, or even simple things like nature, she was all for it. She wanted to be smart and strong, just like her parents.