
i look for you and not myself




4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
01-15-2021, 02:16 PM

The radiant waters illuminated them both. The cool toned glow brought out her blues ten fold. Only making her look more enchanting then thought to be possible. While he was void of such coloration the glow seemed to pull out the shades of midnight deep within his charcoal pelt. Contrasting with his white muzzle even more so then usual. They were both unnaturally pleasing to the eyes and they both knew it.

His lovely counterpart took it upon herself to close the distance between them almost completely. Their noses could touch if he moved the wrong way. But, he did not. Incubus allowed his hauntingly pale gaze to pour into her own. There was a fire weighing on his own visage. Something primal that the beautiful fae before him was unlocking. it was new and exhilarating, but he continued to try and keep it all at bay.

Incubus took in those feminine vocals as if they were honied wine. Lapping at each and ever syllable like a starved ghoul. His lips formed a grin as he parted sturdy jaws to speak. "You are intoxicating." The yearling decided to give into her desires to hear more of her own vanity. His own voice was low and practically dripping with magma.

As her lips parted to reveal her name Incubus took that single half step forward needed to close the distance between them completely. Sparks flittered along his chest as it pressed up against her own. The male aimed to sink his pale muzzle into the depths of her thick neck fur. His jaws were parted slightly to further take in her feminine scents. A low growl could be heard as he began to pepper small nips at her neck. "Keetie." The name came forth as a low growl itself. Incubus had never been so close to a Wolf of the opposite sex before and he was beginning to learn he rather enjoyed it. "You do not belong down here with us mortals, Keetie."  A pause. "Your otherworldly beauty has enraptured me so."

[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]