
Drop on by



09-12-2013, 09:26 PM
Symphony would listen carefully to her sister's words. In a way she did understand her but not the non-visits." could have seen us without Mother knowing. You know she never cared for us like she did you or our younger siblings. We simply..were just part of the background. A visit could have prevented alot of things. And this Cherokee...when he came we were confused. At first we did not want to go. How could we simply trust a stranger's word? But we had to leave. We are far old enough to were the pack would be fine without us." She replied. Then those two little pups they had met came running to Song. "Seems that they followed us. She smiled and lowered her body to be level with the pups. But before she could open her jaws to speak someone came crashing in. She spun around only to see a very well known chocolate wolf."Oh for Moon's sake! Did all of you come?!" She rolled her eyes but a smile tugged at the corners of her white lips as Legend stood by their brothers.

She let Novella introduce Legend as Symphony looked at Howl. There was no way she could see him coming closer to Song, not today anyways. She would give him time. There was no way she could tell him anything different than what he thought. Looking back up at Song from the ground her tail wagged softly as Anthem came over." know how mother treated Howl, Anthem, and me..We grew resentful, jealous and angry. All we wanted was for Mother to love us like she did you. But even after you left all she could do was talk about you. She never saw us for our own special talents. Howl is a great warrior and hunter, Anthem has the most beautiful voice and can make anyone happy and relaxed, i took the role of Healer. But she never saw us Song...never. But things grew better when her and father had the another litter, Novella and Legend's litter. The pack was united on caring for them. They did not grow up like us. Mother seemed to learn what not to do from us at least...." She explained the back story as short as possible to give Song more insight to things as well as Novella, knowing the youngr sister would be asking questions soon.

She turned back to the pups with a soft smile. "You two are good at tracking us down and geting here pretty fast. I'm Symphony, thats Howl, Anthem, Novella, and Legend." She introduced the pups to their family as she laid down on her side. Pups could make everyone happy, they were just what they all needed to relax.