
Lonely Star



Expert Intellectual (120)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualIce Bridge Explorer
01-15-2021, 06:52 PM
Kiela was fortunately used to this sort of weather. The upcoming winter seemed like it was coming faster than she'd anticipate, but she'd adapt and survive it the best that she could. Her family's nomadic lifestyle had taught her most of what she needed to know about surviving, and the rest was a matter of life experience. She truly believed she'd fare worse if she belonged to a pack. She'd grow idle and soft, and even if her body didn't she was sure her mind would. She was not meant to stay in one place for long and imaging herself ever being interested in that lifestyle was impossible. Kiela didn't need a singular home to feel stable and secure though; things like this, sitting and watching the familiar stars in the night sky, was enough of a constant for her.

She found herself grinning very slightly again at Eirnan saying she knew of them. "I do not know why they are there, but... there are so many things like that," she admitted thoughtfully. Some things seemed to exist for the sheer matter of enjoyment, but it was hard for someone as young and inexperienced as Kiela to know for sure what the purpose of everything in life was. It was simply up to her to live in harmony with it and be the best she could for herself. "But either way, I would not mind seeing them again." She didn't know quite how to voice how such a sight made her feel, at least not in this tongue. They made her feel small and inconsequential in a way that was more freeing than anything; she'd never had dreams of making a huge impact on the world anyway. Benefiting a single herd would be enough for her.

She listened to Eirnan's explanation of what her family called the same star, though didn't begin to try to pronounce the word she'd said for worry of butchering it. "My parents, they always told me it would lead me home, no matter where I went." The same was true here too, she was sure, if she navigated herself off this continent.. but she was beginning to grow used to Boreas and didn't feel any pull to go back home. She'd heard there were family who lived here too and she was interested in meeting eventually, too. "You.. live here? Or near?" Perhaps she had something to teach about these woods she'd found herself in?