
I've made your misery my goal



Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
01-15-2021, 08:15 PM
Laith looked back up to the woman as she laughed loudly, ears pulling back in distaste at the sound. Did she have to be so fucking obnoxious about it? When she flicked a pebble at him he let out a low snarl, lips pulling back to reveal his teeth. "Do that again and I'll make you as quiet as a fucking corpse." He was not a fan of being belittled, regardless of if it was in jest. His gaze returned to the brute standing on the other side of the stones when he spoke, barking out a sarcastic laugh at the massive male's comment, but not feeling very amused by the tone of his voice. "Just telling it how I see it," he said, feeling a little more miffed with each passing second.
He moved into a sitting position so as to stare down at the larger male, tail curled around his paws as he stared with a slightly annoyed expression. This was starting to feel a little like a one versus two situation where, for once, he had not directly caused it himself, rather it seemed the other two had just decided to direct their comments towards him without him instigating it. Sure, he was acting a little bit like an ass, but he could do so much worse. Laith eyed the stones around them with a narrowed gaze. "Wouldn't be fucking surprised if it was.".
His expression darkened when he looked back at the woman to find her pointing at him with one of her dainty paws, clearly talking about sacrificing him on the stones. Joking or not, it was not very funny to him. "Aren't sacrifices better if they're in the form of a female virgin?" He asked as innocently as he could muster, his tone more mocking than teasing. He could take just as well as he could give. "Wouldn't you agree?" He asked with a snide grin, glancing momentarily back at the other male, curious as to how he would respond.

Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!