
practice makes perfect



4 Years
09-12-2013, 09:43 PM (This post was last modified: 09-12-2013, 10:13 PM by Satis.)

He would need no persuading. As quickly as she had requested he would launch, racing for her form as he fed from the thrill that seemed to so pulse his veins. A kick of adrenaline would offer the youth similar, golden eyes narrowing as her mind would slow his approaching form, attempting to pinpoint any weaknesses the fae could potentially counter. Defenses. Weight already evenly distributed, toes splayed, stance square, tail lowered to align with her neutral spine, ears pinned. She was prepared, no? As he grew nearer the girl would attempt to drop her body, to push her small frame low enough to the earth that he would be unable to affect her fore-balance.

Success. Partially. The beast would clash with her lowered shoulder, jaws closing around her right blade as the woman would let free a vicious ripping; voice box shaking as she would howl with displeasure. But she would see an opportunity, skull rotating to her right Satis would part her jaws, aiming rapidly for the mans scruff she would attempt to close her fangs around any loose skin she could grasp, to gain control over his larger form and put her position into preventing further damage. Here, she would drop her weight more so, attempting to keep him at bay until she were able to re-coil; pulling her fangs from her potential target and re-calculating a swift regrasp to the underside of his neck. If she could get close enough, she could hold the ebonies jugular within her molars and prevent circulation to his brain. If she could make him pass out, she could win.

Satis vs Oddity - Round 1 of 4

For Practise!

Defenses: Toes splayed, weight even, stance squared, tail level, aligned spine, eyes narrowed, ears pinned. Satis drops her fore-weight upon Oddity's approach in an attempt to keep her balance earthed as she believes he is going for a low attack.

Attacks: Satis aims to grasp Oddity's scruff as he attacks her shoulder, hoping to prevent him inflicting further damage until she can recalculate. Then, dropping her weight lower than he, she will re-aim to grasp at the underside of his neck, presuming his chin can't be dropped during such an attack, she hopes to grasp the airways or the jugular, wanting only to cut off circulation or breathing long enough to cause him to pass out.

Injuries: Shallow skin wound to the right shoulder

THIS IS A reference sei and i discussed as a rough idea where oddity and satis are, and where satis aims to attack. he would probably be more towards her head since he got her blade, but I suck at drawing xD this change would also have made it easier for her to get his scruff etc.
adited to add above.