
Show Me the Sea



High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-16-2021, 09:55 PM
Walk | "Talk" | think

Art still meant more to Rudy than any of the other pups, which made it all the more important Art agree with him on Tika.  It was true Rudy rushed into things once he decided on a course of action but he did pay attention to what some others thought of his antics.  Not to say he would change his plans but if anyone could make him think twice it would be Art.  So if Art was his second half that meant it was important to bring Art to his way of thinking on Tika.  Grimshaw was an afterthought.  A bitter taste in his mouth that was necessary to speak for in his mind, but one that he wouldn’t miss should it leave.

“Nope, you didn’t,” responded to Art’s comment on Grim, “but there are times I wish he would be.”  They were off pack land so he could speak openly.  Glancing down at the sand he kicked a bit up from its resting place to watch it make a tiny ‘splish’ as it went right back under the water.  Sand was heavier in the water when all wet.  “On one hand I’d wish he’d leave and on the other, I feel like it's wrong of me to feel like that.  Then I feel like I should help and its well, weird.”  Try to help the ass even if he labeled as one.  Being a self-proclaimed future leader was hard.  It had also been kind of horrible listening to Grim speak of what had happened.  Rudy didn’t like thinking about the other realities outside pack life and how bad it could be.

The brighter subject came when it went to talking about Tika.  Rudy wanted her to stay.  Tika was meaningful in some adopted-sister sort of fashion.  “Yup, she should train with mom!” Rudy nodded his head in complete agreeance, “and with you.”  His normal sort of happy confidence now back in his tone.  Art would be perfect for what Rudy wanted her to learn. “See, she doesn’t need to be a great fighter.  Well, unless she wants to be.  She needs to learn it's safe here and to not be so shy of others.  That means she needs someone I completely trust and who has a real good heart.” Rudy gave Art an open mouth grin, as they both knew whom he was talking about.  

Art turned the tables on him with the teasing on Tika. “Huh?” Artorias had caught Rudy off guard on that one, the grey motley boy hadn’t thought of this side effect. Rudy wrinkled his nose up, leaning his upper half away from Art in mock disgust.  “Uhhuh, you should.” Rudy dug his paw deep into the sand that was buried under the water and then kicked upright towards Art’s face, “never let your guard down!”