
If You're Gonna Do It, Do It Right.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
01-18-2021, 04:25 AM

Pups began rolling in and Aslatiel was slowly regretting her decision. It wasn't that she didn't like pups, but... well... okay so she didn't really like pups. They were so...cheery and small and breakable. There was always a risk of getting hurt while hunting though, so hopefully their parents were prepared just in case. Asla wouldn't give them anything too crazy to kill, but she wouldn't be letting them hunt injured chipmunks, that was for sure.

Each pup sat and gave its name. Rather than waiting to see if more wolves arrived, she started her lesson now, hoping that she wouldn't have to repeat herself. "Hello young children. I'm Aslatiel Fatalis of the Armada. Your parents sent you to me to learn some hunting skills, so we're not going to waste any time." Asla lifted one grey and white paw and pointed to Jane. "You there. You were the first to arrive. Have you ever hunted anything before? Have any of you ever hunted?" Galaxy gaze drifted around to each small face. They looked... like dumb puppies. Okay. She would have to start somewhere more simple.

"A hunter needs to be smart. A hunter needs to be quick. You need to be able to think on your paws and be able to change tactics at the tiniest moment. No hunt goes exactly the way you imagined it. Prey animals don't want to be caught, so they'll do everything in their power to stay out of your jaws. That means that they're fast. They pivot quickly. Sometimes they can attack you right back. A hunter is always on their guard and they're ready for everything." That was a lot to start off with, so Asla decided to work with them on some different scenarios.

"Jane," she addressed the grey child that had shown up first. "If you were hunting rabbits and a coyote suddenly showed up and started hunting those same rabbits, what would you do? Would you scare off the coyote or would you make sure that you found the rabbit first?" Her attention was just for Jane. She wanted to know how this kids mind worked.

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