
If You're Gonna Do It, Do It Right.




3 Years
01-18-2021, 08:57 AM
"Hi!" She returned the greet to the pup that spoke to her. Rudy was how he named himself later. She nodded happy as she returned her attention back to the one who will be teaching them today. She was excited and she could barely hide it. More pups arrived and she waged her tail to each of them.

"Hello young children. I'm Aslatiel Fatalis of the Armada. Your parents sent you to me to learn some hunting skills, so we're not going to waste any time." The older wolf began to speak beginning with saying her reason of being here today. Hunting seemed fun even though she haven't done anything related to it yet.

"You there. You were the first to arrive. Have you ever hunted anything before? Have any of you ever hunted?" Her tail wagged when she was pointed at. "No! I haven't!" She responded happily even if the question was serious but at this point there was nothing serious for her at all.

"A hunter needs to be smart. A hunter needs to be quick. You need to be able to think on your paws and be able to change tactics at the tiniest moment. No hunt goes exactly the way you imagined it. Prey animals don't want to be caught, so they'll do everything in their power to stay out of your jaws. That means that they're fast. They pivot quickly. Sometimes they can attack you right back. A hunter is always on their guard and they're ready for everything."

Her eyes widened in wonder for the explanation the older wolf just shared with them."If you were hunting rabbits and a coyote suddenly showed up and started hunting those same rabbits, what would you do? Would you scare off the coyote or would you make sure that you found the rabbit first?" She was asked once more.

She took a time to think her answer. "Perhaps I'll try to catch it first? And then scare off the Coyote."