
practice makes perfect



4 Years
09-12-2013, 11:32 PM

It seemed he would somehow manage to manoeuvre his skull in a way that would send her jaws clashing with his face, frustratingly missing her target yet again. How exactly she didn?t know, but he seemed to be quick enough to counter her. Or was it just luck? Though she saw an open window opportunity, if he?d sacrifice his eye, she?d make sure he really sacrificed his eye. Though with no real desire to permanently maim her fathers assailant, the girl wouldn?t hesitate to take a dirty risk or two. She was after all, a cunning and perilous fighter, as she always had been. Small size didn?t allow for brute force. And so with his crown faced downwards she would restrike for the tenders of his eye, hoping to worsen the small injury she had inflicted or atleast shock him enough to throw him.

Though the downward motion of his skull would clash with her jaws, bashing the marked vixen on the end of her tender snout and sending forth a surprised whine. It hurt, but she wasn?t injured. Honestly? Suddenly the beast had managed to twist himself just enough to hook her hind foot within his jaws. A shrilled bark of pain would flee shuddering orifice, the woman retaliating instantly as she would rock her fore-weight forward just enough to hook his own left forelimb, engaging the duo in an awkward game of twister as she would attempt to tighten around his limb, rotating her skull in a manner to allow only the top of her head exposure to any future attacks. Tail still tucked, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, abdomen tight, chin tucked, the hair along her nape also attempting rise beneath pressure.

Satis vs Oddity - Round 3 of 4

For Practise!

Defenses: Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, abdomen tense, chin tucked, tail between her legs to guard genitalia and lower abdomen, hackles raised.

Attacks: Because Oddity sacrifices his eyes to her previous attack, she siezes the opportunity to reattack at his face/eyes in an attempt to worsen the injury or throw his focus. She then rocks her quarters back, and attempts to lock onto his left forelimb with her jaws and tighten around the bone.

Injuries: Snout bruising, minor cuts to her right hind foot?