
Sentinel on the Trail


Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
01-19-2021, 01:33 AM

He caught her murmur, as well as the small signs of her discomfort, and he wondered if her background was similar to Rhaegara’s, where wolves called packs by other terms, like tribes or clans or kingdoms.

Still, his smile accepted her compliment. He’d captured her interest, most definitely, and he cocked his head in thought, thinking to himself that she’d probably think he was telling a tall, windy tale as he said, a little embarrassment touching his tone, “Ehm… carnivorous plants. Enito, a Mandrill monkey and one of my other friends, said it was like a giant… I think he said, Venus Fly Trap. If those were anything like the plants we came up against, I seriously pity the flies where those grow.”

The thought brought a quick shudder to his frame, features grimacing in a comical wrinkle, tongue poking out before he composed himself. “That was a pretty crazy adventure overall.”

He tilted his head, glancing down into the fjord’s bottom as he proposed, “Care to walk a bit? That ground can’t be comfortable.”

Said he who was sprawled out like a great hunting dog over the stony pathway as though it were soft sand on the beach.

He left the floor open to her, waiting for her decision instead of moving first. He wasn’t keen on spooking the woman when the steep drop on one side threatened to welcome an incautious traveler.

Then a thought occurred and he added, "Are you hungry at all? I have extra travel jerky on me, and I don't mind sharing."

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think