
practice makes perfect



4 Years
09-13-2013, 12:09 AM

He would release as quickly as he had grasped, freeing the womans now tender hind limb. Without a second thought she would again take advantage of the man?s shift, sending several continuous hind thrusts towards the man?s abdomen in yet another attempt to topple him; somewhat oblivious to the aching within her toes. With her jaws clasping his forelimb he should have struggled to keep his balance. Though he wasn?t done, for a rapid attack to the top of her skull would waver the womans focus momentarily. But good, let him have it. Apart from her flattened ears there wasn?t much the dark beast could do, other than cause minor inflictions of grazing pain. So she would make no efforts to counter him, instead rather satisfied and confident within her final attack, shaking her head from left to right violently as she would attempt to cause further pain and injury to the tissue of his left forelimb. Despite the end drawing near as the duo would gradually bring themselves to unlikely positions, the woman would maintain her defences; ears back, eyes narrowed, tail tucked, abdomen tense, hackles raised. She would be happy to finish on that note, confident her rag-doll motions would be enough to arouse finalizing discomfort.

Satis vs Oddity - Round 4 of 4

For Practise!

Defenses: Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, abdomen tense, tail between her legs to guard genitalia and lower abdomen, hackles raised.

Attacks: Oddity releases her hind paw and immediately Satis uses her limbs toa gain send several unbalancing kicks towards his abdomen, hoping to throw himf or the second time. She also shakes her head violently whilst attached to his limb, hoping to inflict further damage.

Injuries: Grazing to the sides of her head