
Before I lose my mind




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-19-2021, 11:45 AM

If nothing else, he appreciated Venom's reassurance. Even though she didn't fully catch the implications of his question, there were some things he thought that perhaps might still be of some use to him in the future. He hadn't considered the possibility of a surrogate, though that would truly hinge on weather he and Void reached a point where they wanted to raise children... it was still so early in this relationship that he had no way of knowing how long it would last or if he could even call it a relationship yet. All he knew was that everything was pulling him toward the Destruction male and every fiber of his being wanted to give in to the personal desires that he had suppressed for so long.

However, something that he could actually focus on and find comfort in was the fact that no one would be looking to him to produce children until they were able to make room for them anyway. It was a bandage of a solution, but it did relieve a bit of pressure from his shoulders. Besides, whenever they did eventually expand their borders, he was certain that he wouldn't be the first to begin filling that space. Surely Venom would want to set the stage for the next heirs to their empire and perhaps Toxicity would want children soon as well... he could be the last of their siblings to add to their family and that fact at least bought him some time.

The kiss she left on his cheek brought his gaze over to hers and her kind words pulled his lips into a small, slightly sad smile. He wanted to be someone she could rely on almost more than anything else in the world and just to hear that he hadn't failed them did help relieve some of the stress from his shoulders. His head dipped a bit to be able to nuzzle into her neck with a sigh while he silently wondered if she would react the same if she knew the whole truth. Beyond his family's expectation that he should carry on the Abraxas line, he just didn't know what her reaction would be. His biggest fear was to see disappointment in Venom's eyes when she looked at him, but what was worse - seeing that disappointment and having to work harder to regain her approval, or living a lie and a double life to keep his secret hidden for as long as possible?

He couldn't lie to her... not to Venom. She was in a select few that he couldn't maintain that hard exterior when he was around her. His sisters and Void were perhaps the only wolves on this plane that could do that to him. When he lifted his head from her neck again he was quiet for another moment as he studied his paws. "What if... what if it's not a wife?" he asked with a heavy hesitation, glancing toward her but not able to really meet her gaze. He thought his heart might beat right out of his chest from the nervousness he felt while he braced for whatever response might come.
