
A Moment Is All We Are




5 Years

01-19-2021, 03:32 PM
It was yet another chilling snow-filled night. Just like it had been so many nights ago... with the ebony woman whose name he couldn't remember. It was useless information at this point, nothing more than an event that had happened and now passed. The single turquoise orb scanned the sky as the brute looked to the stars. There might have been something that could've been said during this moment had it not been for the hare hung between fangs. It was then that he remembered why he had even come out here. Food. It had already been caught and dispatched. The poor creature had been asleep. Did that make him a monster?

The thought passed his mind as he looked down upon his kill, thus not making it possible to call it an uneventful evening. The heavy wind blew at his face as the crisp air stung the many scars upon his body. It caused him to think back upon his past and what had brought him to this day, standing here in this foreign land with a creature dead in his mouth. Betrayal. The thought had begun to leach its way onto his mind. A scent had been carried by the winds into his black nostrils, snapping him back out of his simplistic day dreaming. It seemed as if another woman was prowling out and about. Interesting. That seemed to be the majority of others he's met so far.... females. The metallic sounds of armor had rung in his half ear and the blind white orb sat within its socket as the bright one snapped to the land below him. There she was walking around with her nose to the ground, like a blind animal searching blindly through the dirt.

He released the carcass from its cage and the crunching of snow echoed as it plopped onto the white blanket. "If you keep your eyes on the ground. You are vulenerable. Even with that armor." The tones that spewed out of his mouth were harsh like two boulders being crushed against eachother. "Why search so hard for something that isn't there?" It wasn't within his nature to beat around any bushes or to skirt corners. All that mattered was what there is and what there isn't. Even if it means hurting others.
Yautja has an Arabian Accent. He is prone to Violence and Cussing.