
Honey, I'm Home!

for Theory



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
01-19-2021, 06:47 PM
Truthfully. Thalia had not anticipated... well, this level of understanding. Theory hadn't been upset when she'd admitted part of the reason she'd come in the first place, that she had ulterior motives, but the more she thought about it.. how could Theory not understand? Though they were vastly different in many regards, above all else they were both loyal, to their families and their packs. She understood that there were things far more important than personal desires; in fact, that many things were considerably more important, without question. A lesser wolf might've been hurt that Thalia had even attempted to keep her true intentions from her, but she simply understood, and Thalia felt her heart aching in a way it had never before.

The feeling was only exacerbated by Theory's answer to her question. "You have a way with words that... I lack," she admitted carefully. Thalia was too guarded, her emotions kept locked deep inside, often pushed down so deep that even she had trouble accessing them. Talking about them in a concrete way was difficult, over-complicated by her overly-complex mind. "I'm drawn to you for the same reasons. No one's ever captured my attention quite like you. I haven't stopped thinking about you practically since the day we met." Theory had infuriated her as much as she'd captivated her, but in a way Thalia had trouble deciphering the two. Theory elicited emotions from her that most things, let alone wolves, simply did not - that was why she knew she belonged here, with here, at least right now.

For a moment she wished she'd said nothing, but the words came before she could stop them and then Theory was pausing to probe a bit further. "I fear," she started, as careful as ever. She pulled away from Theory only slightly, entranced by her touch and how freely it was being given. For a moment all she could think of was whether they ought to find somewhere more private to sleep away to, but the fog had yet to lift and there were no signs of anyone nearby. "I fear you may not understand how seriously most of my family, and I, take our faith. It means everything to me." She was serious. Faith would always come before her needs or desires, or her relationship with Theory or anyone else, or even her own life. It had to.