
The Rightful Rulers


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
01-19-2021, 08:10 PM
She had been entirely confident about making the move to the castle... that was until they actually began the move. Keeping the pups contained was a pawful on a normal day, much less when they were making the move to a whole different continent. With the help of Blue and Resin's jackals she was able to keep an eye on them fairly well, but not without a few hard, disapproving glares and a bit of scolding when one of them would get tempted to wander off or go chasing after something interesting. It was slow moving and by the time they actually reached the castle she felt a bit frazzled, but seeing their new home did make it feel worth it. The structure was grand and the lands around it felt open and welcoming. They wouldn't have the worry that having so many other packs near by brought and there also wasn't going to be the constant worry over one of their pups falling into the river and getting themselves into trouble. It was always an adjustment whenever she moved somewhere else, but at least the benefits justified the effort.

Tamsyn grinned when Resin licked her cheek, giggling softly as she leaned up to give a little lick to her love's nose in return. "Alright, my love. Hopefully we can find a place that's to your satisfaction," she teased, knowing how high of a standard Resin had for where she lived. The gray warrior always crafted such lovely dens so she was curious to see what she would turn this place into. "Don't work too hard. There's nothing that can't be done tomorrow," she added with the same sort of scolding look she would have given one of the children. With that she turned to find the group of (hopefully) worn out fuzz balls, calling to them, "Come on, pups!" She waved with her paw and ushered them further into the castle, her mint gaze sweeping across the interior of the structure and down the halls as she went in search of a room suitable for the lot of them.

"Tamsyn" | "Blue" | think