
When did you get SO big?

winter yr 15 fight seasonal



2 Years
Extra small
01-20-2021, 12:32 PM

Ruin struggled to hide her grin. The story behind her sunglasses wasn't all that exciting, she'd simply found them within a case that had washed up onto the beach and claimed them as her own. But where was the fun in telling the truth? Leaving folks in the dark even over matters as insignificant as a pair of sunglasses brought a rush of satisfaction through her system and it was a high she would continue to chase for as long as she could.

"Who knows?" She wiggled her brows, awfully smug with herself only to let out a surprised eeep when she realised her sister's intent. Now they were talking!

Prancing to the side, Ruin dropped down into a play bow as well, her tail wagging in a dark blur as her tongue poked out the side of her mouth. It had been quite some time since she'd indulged in some rough and tumble and to say she was game was a MASSIVE understatement. The fact that one of her big bros- man he was getting massive now- appeared onto the scene only made this all the more interesting. Theory made a beeline for her brother and so it was only natural that Ruin took full advantage of her distraction. Her lil nubbly tail was well within reach now, right there wiggling and practically begging Ruin to take a chomp. Who was she to say no?  Kicking off with her hind legs, Ruin lunged up to take a bite, whilst Lyre finally arrived on the scene with an apologetic caw. Even with wings keeping up with Ruin was no easy task.

Ruin Cavaliere-Klein vs Theory and Haiku for melee
Round 1/2
Age: under 1 year
Size: Extra small
Build: Light
Companion 1: Common raven, Male - Flying
Skills: Novice Fighter & Advanced Intellectual
Specialty: N/A

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