



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
01-20-2021, 07:18 PM
He had no doubt she'd come to meet some of his packmates if she stayed in the eastern lands for long at all. Though he was quite protective of his family and the intentions of those who joined, at least at first, he knew Abaven at its core was a haven for all who could uphold their values. Any wolf would be lucky to stumble upon Abaven in a time of need, so long as they meant well, and he hoped Avella knew he was being truthful about his invitation. Theory herself was a good wolf and one who would help anyone in need, just as he would, and most of Abaven no doubt had the same sentiments. "It's no worry, just keep it in mind if you're ever in need." They'd dealt with their own share of strife and it was only fair that they return the good will when it was truly needed. Corvus wasn't the type to believe in karma or anything like that; being good was just easy and he didn't see a point in helping those that needed it, when he could.

She asked what was so bad about it. If only he could explain the full story of what the eruption had done to his family, how deeply it had effected them. "A few years ago it erupted. Displaced us from our home. We moved further east - out to that island," he thrust his muzzle toward Ibis Islands. Their time their had not been bad, but having to leave their home behind had been difficult. "Only recently have things really gotten back to normal. I'm not sure if it could happen again, but I wouldn't get to close to it, knowing what I know. It was really difficult for us," he admitted carefully. Wolves had been injured, had disappeared; they'd felt defeated in their displacement but they'd grown stronger because of it, as they always did. "But. It's all made us stronger. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?" There was a lot of truth to that, though his laugh was low, the phrase holding more weight than he realized.