
Darkened Spirits




2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
01-20-2021, 10:08 PM

Naiche was generally an active wolf however he had taken more breaks these last few days.  Bad enough his fur wasn’t growing in as fast as he wanted in this miserable weather.  Now the young wolf was also contending with the hurt over Rue’s death.  The moment he was to go out in public it meant putting on a façade of being fine.  Naiche had learned to do it well enough but it was all the more reason he needed time alone to drop the mask of being fine and take time to allow himself to mourn.

Naiche had been curled up in a tight ball on top of one fur with several others pressed around him with that polar bear cloak lying atop him. Warmth.  With all the pelts about him, he could find warmth for a period of time.  His mind was trying to decide where to focus itself on past or present when he heard Asla’s voice.  Asla coming to his den?  At first, Naiche felt a smirk expecting trouble as he recalled the other instances of her seeking him out.  It was less than the beat of a heart to realize this was for something different as he acknowledged her tone.

“I am.  Come warm up.”  Naiche raised his head up and partially uncurled, at least straightening up his front legs.  Grabbing a pelt that came loose he did toss it across his paws.  Nothing wrong with staying warm while they chatted about whatever was chewing on her.  

Naiche thought to ask right off if something was wrong but decided to leave that up to her to speak of or not.  Her different tone left that as the main guess since otherwise wouldn’t she have made a different sort of greeting?  Sometimes though you want to speak of what's wrong and sometimes you just want the company.  Naiche was slowly learning some rather hard lessons in the most unwanted of ways.    “Plenty of furs if you want.”  This place used to be Tamsyn’s before she’d moved in with Resin.  It had been pretty well stocked on furs before he’d even arrived.

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]