
then comes poem with a baby carriage



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
01-21-2021, 11:01 AM
Theory at least, had similar ideas to talking about their personal lives, if she’d asked Poem might have said something but was relieved they didn’t have to go into detail. The newly married woman was quick to pick up on what Theory was attempting to get around to saying, but it wasn’t real until her sister said the words aloud. Dark ears slicked to her skull and excitement overtook nausea in her belly. Theory was quick to show her own emotions in the unbridled affection she showed her sister, Poem returned it even as her head raced with thoughts and emotions. ”It wasn’t so difficult” She returned humbly, they hadn’t even talked about eventually being parents! ”I… We.. And...” Poem leaned into Theory’s shoulder as her own blue and lavender eyes lowered to her still rather slim belly. ”And so fast! Are you sure I’ll be a good mother, am I really ready?” The nerves quickly descended as Poem felt overwhelmed very suddenly. She felt a little faint and more heavily relied on her sister to uphold her. Theory mentioned letting everyone else know too and that didn’t help Poem’s internal list as she worried over everything silently. ”Oh, Theory.” Excitement lay way to her nerves and the reminder that her mother was not here to help welcome her grandchildren into the world. Maybe it was the sudden change in hormones or that she’d been holding back for too long but Poem unexpectedly burst into tears. Joy and sorrow falling like crystal tears from her bright eyes.