
The Rightful Rulers


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-23-2021, 12:56 AM

Rudy wasn’t a fan of cold but playing in snow could be fun.  At least it was fun when he had lots of energy to bound about in it frivolously.  Once he started getting tired it was colder and slowed down movement.   Perhaps the easiest way to make sure Rudy behaved himself was just to keep him tired.  He went from bounding all over and attempts to sneak up and pounce on Art and likely countless looks from his mom’s to quietly plodding along for a time.  Rudy had always been about playing and training hard until he crashed afterward.  Did anyone sleep as soundly as a tired out Rudy?

Rudy was glad one of his companions was a hawk, easy enough to keep up with them.  His little Tasmanian devil was another story.  At times he carried it, at times it tried to keep up on its own but shortly after that it normally would end up on the sled.  The little guy didn’t weigh too much after all.

Eventually, the adrenaline that comes from curiosity and a determined puppy would start bringing him back to life.  He had a bad habit of forgetting to stay with the others as he needed to go look or scent something in the plains grass, only to have moms bring him back in.  He just wanted to look and sniff for a bit!  

By the time they arrived at their new home he was feeling the tiredness like a thick blanket trying to smother him.  The sense clashed completely with the curiosity and desire to explore the new setting.  Looking up at Tamsyn with his tail wagging, “Mamma I think Art and I need a second den for uh, brother stuff!” Training, telling secrets, or whatever else came up!  Proof Rudy was tired came in the form of not trying to sell his idea.  The grey pup was just too tired to put any extra effort into thought.  It was nap time.  His eyes skimmed the area for a good spot to crash until the den was picked out.
