
without you



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

01-23-2021, 08:25 AM

Indigo did want her close, as close as she could get. He’d bask in and return her sweet affections as they took advantage of every moment they had left with each other. Her strong but thin arms wrapped around his neck and got lost in the thick fur there. His mohawk was becoming less and less noticeable as the fur continued to lengthen into a true lion’s mane. He could guess with the growth so far that he wasn’t done yet. Aslatiel wouldn’t need any blankets tonight as long as she snuggled into his warm fur.

He could almost forget about the ticking of the clock as she pulled him into a sweet kiss. Indy could easily forget everything as their lips pressed together. He was surrounded by her sweet scent and had the taste of her on his tongue. These were moments he would keep close to his heart during the cold and lonely days ahead. All too soon she pulled away and spoke again, but he would have been happier to forget how much distance and time would be between them. He held back his own emotions, if only to prove his strength to the dear one in his arms.

"It certainly doesn’t feel like it now." Not that he truly doubted his sister. She was right, but none of it would be easy. He grinned as she mentioned the next time they would see each other. He could hardly imagine how far away the day was. The winter was long, but once the rains of spring slowed.. They would be together, in more ways than one. There wouldn’t be a day that went by that he wouldn’t miss her and he would count down the days. "Waiting will be the hardest part. I.. it’s just going to be hard knowing how much space will be between us." He leaned in to kiss her again, his heart pounding as his chest tightened and he tried to suppress the thought. It was hard not to obsess when their time was so short. "I love you so much, Aslatiel." They’d make it through, but the journey would be difficult.


Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.