
you call and say I'm arctic



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Underachiever1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
WealthyVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! GlobetrotterOverachieverLegendary
Ooh La LaHomebodyCritical Block!ExplorerPride - DemisexualWinner
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWordyDouble MasterCritical Hit!
01-23-2021, 04:14 PM

Hattori frowned as he fell in step beside her, letting her take the lead as always. Even with their stopping and starting they had covered a wide stretch of the beach, familiarising themselves with it in the hopes that one day it would be claimed as their own. He supposed if there was ever a place to speak of the future then this was it, the embodiment of it all, shimmering with hopes and promises of not so distant glory. He curled his talons into the sand as he walked, noting the grainy texture as it speckled the white of his paw pads. He thought long and hard on her question, wondering whether he'd made his thoughts a little too obvious with his last statement. The last thing he wanted after all was to lead her on, to steer her away from logical and considered lines of thought.

He met her gaze, unblinking and unwavering. She asked a question and thus he would answer. So much had changed but that had and would always remain the same.

"I would say the former." He told her slowly as he thought back, shuffling through the mental files he's stored away in his mind. "Most of my assignments required a task to be completed and once it was done I was no longer in their service. However, given the...unpredictable nature of my work if the situation or my duties change then the contract and price is adjusted accordingly."

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