
Not today Death



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-23-2021, 07:58 PM
He had almost slipped back into sleep  but was brought back to alertness when a gentle voice filled the air. “Are you alright?”, the question making him chuckle once before it shifted into a pained groan. The black and tan male opened his deep blue eyes and ending up staring almost dumb struck at the sight that his eyes landed on. A white female wolf stood before him, literally glowing in the morning light, a long mane of fur flowing down her neck and long canines peeked from under her shimmering blue-white lips. She even had a delicate purple marking over her left eye. He had never seen such a creature before in his life and he was sure he looked like an idiot as he stared at her for a moment longer trying to comprehend what he saw.  His oceanic eyes then traveled to the assortment of packs that rested on her back and he honestly began to question if he was actually alive and he dropped his gaze as his world seemed to spin again. He dug his claws into the soft earth below trying to ground himself as the nausea passed before tried to focus back on the female in front of him.

"Define alright..." he rumbled with a damn near sassy expression on his face that honestly probably looked like death was clutching the last of his will to survive. Another tired chuckle before he continued "Forgive me... i'm sure I will be.... Unless that hawk up there gets tired of waiting for me to die" He glanced up towards the trees above him and sure enough the hawk was still perched above watching him closely. What's up with that thing He thought as he flicked an obsidian ear in unease before he returned his attention back to the female, still not used to her otherworldly appearance but trying his best not to stare. With a grimace, Drachen lifted his body up so that he was sitting, his frame swaying slightly before he collected himself. "You uh... Wouldn't happen to have any herbs for nausea or pain would do?" perhaps it was way too bold of him to ask her for herbs, especially in winter, but he felt like absolute shite and he didn't care too much about manners at the moment. A shiver raked down his spine as finally the cold air registered and he clinched his jaw in irritation, he was mostly dry but not dry enough for his exhausted body to stay warm. He felt completely pathetic sitting there so ragged and shivering in front of this stranger asking her for help. Asking others for help was something he never did willingly as he never had good experiences with it in the past.
Drachen has a female Red-Tailed Hawk companion named Enzi that is always with him unless otherwise stated