
A solid maybe on not a date



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
01-23-2021, 08:05 PM

Mortis peeked out of one eye, looking across at his friend. The question had sort of popped out with the frustrations Hana had left him with, but now he wondered. Did Hikaru have a sweetheart? He wasn’t left waiting in suspense long, and to his surprise, Hikaru not only did not - but he wasn’t well liked where he came from. Mortis knew he had had some home troubles - he had come out here to start his life anew, after all. But…

Mortis opened both eyes, how brow dipping in disapproval. He let out a soft growl to tell his friend what he thought of that. Hikaru was a gentle natured sweetheart who thought of others before himself. If people were nasty to him here in the Armada, Mortis would give them a piece of his mind. Mort was often described himself as a gentle boy, but - and perhaps this was hereditary - he would never stand for someone hurting his friends.

He almost missed where Hikaru took the conversation next, and he went from self righteous anger, to a strange feeling of… surprise, an almost unpleasant sort of feeling. “You kissed an Ashen Warrior?” Well. Hikaru would be quite a catch to any girl of course "I’ve never felt that way before except with..." except who? The boy couldn’t bring himself to ask. “A girl kissed me too. I was so surprised I almost drowned.” He didn’t know what to do about Hana, he had a feeling he really hurt her. He missed her friendship, even if he had Hikaru to keep him company.
