
Darkened Spirits




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
01-23-2021, 11:58 PM

Naiche didn't give the slightest protest as she worked her way beneath the fur with him. Their similarly sized bodies fit well together, though not as well as hers and Indigo's. Asla liked to be encompassed by his giant frame. It made her feel safe and warm. Nose to nose, tail to tail, Naiche and Asla were close to the same size. As such, she felt the warmth of him fully and no bit was left out to chill.

Settled down, the creamy fae was a little surprised when he placed his head atop her own. It wasn't unwelcome at all. She was simply surprised that he'd chosen to show such affection. Then again, they weren't out in the public eye. The mischievous side of Asla wondered if she could weasel a kiss out of him while they were in here, but her somber mood overshadowed any ambition for kissing. Besides, it seemed as though he was still upset as well. His mask would go back on when he left the den and no one would be the wiser.

The yellow wolf continued of his own accord, telling her that he had simply needed some time to himself. And here she was invading his alone time. She was thankful that he cared enough to allow her to do so. She needed a friend right now and maybe he needed one as well. She could feel the pain in his words. Pain that he held onto and tucked away when he was out of his den. It meant a lot that he chose to share it with her. Raising one grey and white paw, she placed it over one of his larger golden ones. Though she'd never been the most even tempered of wolves, she wanted him to know that she was here for him. As the months took her further from being a yearling and closer to her birthday, Aslatiel was maturing. She was learning more of the world and the wolves in it. Surprisingly, she was rather intuitive. Simple physical contact would do more than words, she felt, and so, Naiche could have as much of her as he needed right now.

Moments later the sadness was gone and his muted snark was back. It was bloody cold. She almost grinned, but when he mentioned an incident, her grin faltered. She turned her head just enough to catch sight of him with one purple eye. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" Well look. Now she was worried. He didn't seem to be in any pain and so she calmed somewhat, but wouldn't know completely until he confirmed the fact.

And then the spotlight was turned to her. Ears tucked back for a moment and she kept her silence until she was ready to form the words. "I've been in The Hallows with Indigo. They left the hot springs and are setting up the pack in Auster. I went halfway with them." It had been a long journey and the lonely walk all the way back had been filled with tears and sadness. It was easy to cry when you were alone. She wouldn't cry in front of anyone in the pack. Tears solved nothing anyway and as Naiche said, it was too damn cold. A good wind could make them freeze right to your fur. "I'm going to miss him," she continued. "I can't just go see him whenever I want now. I just feel and emptiness. A hole inside." It was more than she intended to say and she only realized it after she spoke. She sighed and curled her body against his a little bit more. Life sucked sometimes.


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