
When The World Stops Turning



5 Years
09-13-2013, 09:04 AM (This post was last modified: 09-13-2013, 09:06 AM by Novella.)

All Novella had ever really known was Ahlon and some of the lands just outside of it and none of that had really been taught to her through a tour. Of course her parents had shown the pups around the pack various times to ensure they understood about the borders and where they could and couldn't go, but she had continued to go further than she ought to so that by the time they had their first trip just outside of the lands, Novella had already travelled there several times. But as much as she had always enjoyed the exploration for herself though, she certainly wasn't about to turn down a tour from Song, it would after all mean she wouldn't get to see her home and she wouldn't be able to actually spend quite so much time with her.

"Lets go then. I've got to finish my walk around the border, it should take us back to the den." Song stated as she turned to move, Novella followed, walking along at her side, listening as her sister continued to speak. "Jupiter is the alpha here, we call her the Sol. Recently she promoted my husband and I to Borealis, the betas." That was certainly rather impressive, and clearly meant that Song must be a respected member of the pack. "Wow! That's brilliant, well done." She responded, assuming that whenever Novel and Dutiron heard they would probably be rather proud of Song, even if it wasn't quite what they had originally wanted for her. She also supposed this high position was what also meant Novella could simply be brought into the lands like this.

"This will give you a chance to meet Cherokee as well. He should be with the babies." Some of the family had met Cherokee already, Novella had heard his name mentioned quietly for a few days afterwards. At the time of his visit she couldn't recall where she had been, though knew for a fact she hadn't actually seen the male herself, only found the lingering scent after he had already left. Now that she thought about it she supposed that was also what had drawn her here to Ludicael. "Did you know where he'd gone when he came to Ahlon?" Novella questioned. "I didn't see him then though, only heard someone mention him." And then of course he had been brought up by Song and Symphony a few days ago.