
Darkened Spirits




2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
01-24-2021, 12:28 AM

It was interesting how their relationship had changed since he arrived.  She had gone from an annoyance that deserved to be tolerated for her fighting skills and as a packmate to someone he could find solace in or offer solace in more private conversations.  Amazingly the nuisance had turned into a good friend.

She hadn’t thrown any mockery at him recently but then again she hadn’t been around for a bit.  She placed her paw over his, which he noticed and felt a bit of warmth but didn’t bother moving his head for her to see a bit of a small smile at the attempt for kindness.  Who would have expected that from the snarky princess?

Naiche hadn’t expected her response to his incident, assuming that since he didn’t complain about it the fur loss would be passed by. “I’m fine, just some good bruises and some raw skin in areas.  Somehow going through a tight spot in a cave lost me a lot more fur than seemed practical and,” a pause as it still seemed ludicrous, “made me a bit shorter somehow.  The place was strange.” That was enough for now.  Certainly, he could offer her a tale of the strange experience but it would break the moment of sharing on more sobering topics.

Indigo was her brother as the first simple reasoning but by consideration, she seemed to care for him more than the others.  Naiche hadn’t kept up too much with Asla’s personal life but it was clear that the parting of this particular brother hurt her more.  How close had they been?  By her look close enough to cause an ache that would resonate with his own even if not for the precise same reasons.

He tried to imagine up some positive words to help put a better light on things for her but nothing came to mind.  So a few seconds of searching silence passed, but his head remained where it was nor did he move away from paw to show any sign of wanting to separate or think less by her words.  “I wish I could fix it for you.”  The words were offered with sincerity.  Naiche remembered the old him that would snort away such concerns as again more weakness.  Growing up over the last few seasons and the experiences seemed to be helping him mature also and learn the world was not so black and white as weak or strong.  Sometimes it was ok to be weak, just not showing it off to the world.

“I should still patrol in a bit, check on things.” The words were said hesitantly, not because of the tasks but what words he was preparing for, “but if you want you could stay here tonight.  I can’t take away the pain, but I can at least be near if it helps.”  She seemed to like contact as a way to feel better, that was the only thing he could think of to offer.  He didn’t want the world to know about his own weakness but he wouldn’t mind Asla being aware of it.  Honestly, he wouldn’t say it but it was nice sharing it with one other wolf.  It seemed they both had an understanding of shared pain. “Besides, as mentioned it's cold.  The place would be a bit warmer if shared.”  

It was such an awkward thing.  He trusted Asla to realize it was only for comfort he made the offer but he damn sure hoped no other wolves learned of it.  Some might get the wrong idea.  Naiche would take the risk this time though.  If any wolf did learn of it and tried to tease or make assumptions Naiche would just be sure to make them change their mind through one way or another.


[Image: WE5CTgt.png]