
Darkened Spirits




2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
01-24-2021, 01:45 AM

All he needed was a reminder that he’d nearly gotten Asla killed.  She had pointed out before he wasn’t at fault but logic was sometimes hard to acknowledge. “I won’t.” He thought about teasing her of who it was that decided they’d go take on a lion but it would be saved for another time.  He would be sure to use it though and there was no doubt opportunity would present itself.

Naiche let her move his paw and lay her head on it.  This was getting more awkward for him by the second.  There was no harm in it when had they gotten to a point in friendship for this? His head raised up as she moved, for a moment thinking it would get back to something more normal but then this? Let no one ever, ever see this?  Once again he imagined her as one of his little sisters and with a resigned sigh helped ooch himself in closer as she pulled.  This was closer contact than he was comfortable with by a mile.  

She wanted him to not go on his patrol?  Admittedly he made more patrols than technically required but the idea of not working while awake seemed a foreign thought to Naiche most of the time.  There were patrols to be done, training to not lose his fighting edge, making sure to keep at least keep an eye out on the other wolves in case there were any obvious problems.  The smallish wolf didn’t need to be asked to do work, it was part of his own expectations.

The idea of not doing his job was out of the question. His tongue felt thick as he imagined saying he couldn’t.  Apparently denying her request was even more unacceptable.  Maybe this was also watching over the pack and caring for one of its members?  It was in a sense.  This wasn’t generally what he imagined for checking on them, but he just couldn’t shun her right now.  He couldn’t even pull away from the akward hug.
A resigned sigh as he lifted his head, gave his sister-like friend a small lick on her cheek before laying his head down.  “Yah, sure. Rest up.”  

Between Asla and all the fur’s it was certainly a pleasant warmth in the den now.  It was awkward, but if Naiche let himself it could be comfortable.  But, she was pressed up against him, which meant he shouldn’t let himself be comfortable.  Naiche’s eyes again checked that no one was looking in his den.  Not like anyone ever did but he had felt the need to check.  Letting out a slow exhale he let himself relax a bit more.  He’d had some stressful times recently and having someone who could understand that was helpful. His breaths became easier.  She was hurting and she was family in his mind.  He’d protect her and help the pain, maybe even take some comfort in return from it.


[Image: WE5CTgt.png]