
Catch me Kill me


01-24-2021, 07:59 PM

The obvious disdain in the woman's expression irritated Piece. He was just asking a question. She ought not to be so insolent. The pink-eyed wolf smiled darkly. He'd been itching for a fight, and here was a perfect victim. There was no fear in his mind. Why should there be? He probably wouldn't have lived to today if he hadn't always been certain of victory. Even when he lost, he passed over that and continued with the assumption that he was unbeatable. Not then, but definitely, certainly, positively now. Narcissism? Maybe, but it wasn't like he cared. It worked well enough for him.

"If you aren't here for a fight what good are you to me?" "Shush, sweetheart." He was almost sure that that would infuriate her. His tone was light and candy-sweet, taunting. It was rare that he was the one with fewer anger issues in a pairing. He stiffened, eyes narrowing, ears flattening, and muzzle wrinkling. His head lowered and jaws open to protect his throat, and his tail high for the appearance of dominance, he lunged directly forward, sprinting. His jaws would aim for her upper right leg, around her extensor carpi radialis. The damage would be minimal, a teasing blow just to show her that he could, although he certainly would draw blood. If he struck without disruption to his plan, he would dodge to the side, turning to still face his opponent, but, if she stood still, moving about two feet away.

Liev Volg-Volkolv vs Torrent for dominance
Round 1/x
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Large
Build: Medium
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Hunter
Specialty: N/A