
Home Exploration



Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
01-24-2021, 08:41 PM

Outlaw made his way about the castle grounds.  It felt great being here!  Outlaw's first home had been inside something that was sort of similar to this huge stone structure.  His old home was a large place with many den's also, it had been a human hotel once though Outlaw was unaware of its history.  Now he would live in another structure with multitudes of rooms and treasures leftover from humans to find in the form of a castle.  Wagging his tail he wandered through a stone hallway.  He could smell the rats and spotted some green lizard along the wall.  Every now and then he spotted strange shapes jutting out from the wall, unaware they were once used to hold lights to brighten up the place.

A wooden door had apparently fallen from its hinges so that it partially obscured the entrance to a room.  That made it the best room to go look in.  Squeezing underneath Outlaw found a chest next to a wooden frame meant to be a bed but its mattress was long gone.  There was a tapestry on the wall of something.  The tapestry was frayed and the colors faded from age and lack of care.  Still, for one who tended to not criticize it was an interesting pattern of colors.  Two large bear pelts were on the floor though Outlaw figured in time he might change that.  A window was opposite the door, a portion of the window had been broken, a large twig on the ground proving itself the guilty party.

Outlaw squeezed back through the door to the hallway and turned back to look at what he would make his home.  It needed some work but the dog liked it well enough.  He would want to find a way to stop the wind and rain from getting into his new home from the broken window.  The door into the room would also need adjusting probably.  Outlaw could get inside but not everyone would fit and it would be rude to not let others in.  That being the case it would be good to have a covering in the front of some kind.  Could he make the door work properly again?  That might be a bit much of fancy work but Outlaw was sure he could find a way to make the room perfect.  There were probably better rooms, but Outlaw liked the project this one offered.  "I like it," a nod of approval given to himself.

Speech:"Life is but a game " Think
Unless noted you can assume Outlaw is wearing his hat.  
It's also likely there is a seagull somewhere nearby