
grinnin' like a jackass eatin' cactus [RAID]



Advanced Fighter (70)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
Dire wolf
01-24-2021, 10:52 PM
With an awkward hop that infuriated her at the lack of grace necessary, Torrent reared up and slammed her paws onto the annoying, foolish weapon, smashing it to the ground before it could take out her feet. Her teeth jarred together with a sharp clack at the force of it... what the fuck was it filled with, rocks??? She immediately lost the wolf wielding it in the swirl of battle - if the skull had jerked on the stick hard enough to drag the wolf down, it served him right for trying to use such an ungainly weapon.

She had no time to concern herself with it, for another wolf was leaping upon her before she could find the first again. She spun to face him head on, bracing herself to meet his rush. He was no bigger than she was, and with her claws dug into the ground he wasn't able to shove her back, though she let her weight settle onto her hindquarters to cushion the blow.

This close in the heat of battle it was hard to really pay attention to appearance, but even in the odd angles and close quarters she could see a younger wolf startlingly similar in appearance to herself, though stark and plain where she had a variety of shades, and where her eye was the bright blue of glacial ice his was cloudy and sightless.

It was towards the sightless eye that she aimed a counterstrike, her saberteeth attempting to slam deeply into the side of his face, to puncture and rip away flesh and - though she was fairly unperturbed by the idea of injury to herself - drive his own attempted bite away from her flesh. There was something remarkably... wrong about his teeth, and that was coming from someone who's own fangs reached below her bottom jaw. It didn't magically instill caution in her, she simply was not a cautious fighter, but a thread of disgust did shoot through the crimson and black-edged fury that battle always woke in her. What in the fuck... she couldn't spare the attention right now that that deserved. Asriel had finally extricated himself from the rest of the melee to come up from behind Chimera, seeking to hamstring the young wolf with a vicious slash of his claws, and the cat's yowling battlecry drown out any idle thoughts of fucked up teeth.

Torrent Imperialis vs Chimera for Maim (facial scarring)
Round 1/2
Age: over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Companion 1: Snow leopard, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Raccoon, Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Saber fangs - Offensive
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Healer
Specialty: N/A