
★ Bear-ly Alive [Hunting Event]



6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
01-25-2021, 08:22 PM

It seemed the three of them had very little experience with how to take down the bear, but all came together in strategy. Viper would look to each one of her temporary comrades as they questioned and thought of how to put the thing out of its misery and in their bellies as soon as they could. Viper had run into two different bears rather recently, both of which she didn’t have the skills or power to kill. Third time’s the charm?

Only a second of thought as she would go on to lead, really wishing it wasn’t asked of her, if the two other wolves weren’t even asking, it seemed like they all wanted to be on the same page. ”It looks like it’s hurt on the back of it’s neck. Think one of us should try to grab it there.” She looked at Aslaug as if to volunteer her for the task. Was she making sense at least? Or maybe she sounded absolutely crazy? ”Um, you,” she pointed her nose at the male, actually really not interested in his name or anything, ”I vote you get under it and trip it up. You’re bigger than us.” her head raised as she looked out toward the bear as it was still running off in the distance from its own predator, ”I’ll grab it’s throat, Er, end the job.”

She wouldn’t look back to her comrades, taking off at a sprint towards the injured creature. She’d only turn her gaze to meet then as she closed in on it, hoping that the trio would all go in with what she said. The quicker they could get it on the ground for her to have a tight grip at the throat, the quicker they could have their prize.