
★ Bear-ly Alive [Hunting Event]


01-25-2021, 09:05 PM

The two women provided their ideas readily enough. Most of the time, Piece would have blared out his own opinions, but he could actually admit that he wasn't the best hunter. He was tough physically, and he loved the rush of adrenaline activities like fighting and hunting gave him, but the nitty-gritty planning stuff wasn't quite his thing. A change of pace couldn't hurt him though.

He nodded once given a task. Something in him rankled at the command. But he would have felt equally harsh disdain if she had dodged around actually saying anything for politeness's sake, so it wasn't like she had many options there. He would run in from the side and grab a leg to trip the bear up a little. He'd seen such things done to elk so it had to work on a bear too, right? That being set, he put no more thought in. He was better off being spontaneous, at least to his reckoning.

The two women went forward quickly. Piece paid no heed to them, sprinting as fast as he could to the left hind leg of the beast and aiming his jaws to hopefully latch onto it and yank it back, hard, forcing the bear to move on three legs. He'd taste hot blood in his mouth soon.