
fight fight fight!


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-25-2021, 09:38 PM

Rudy was in high spirits.  The boy had found countless great hiding spots for a nosy pup who enjoyed spying on others.  This place was amazing.   He also hadn’t told every single friend or sibling yet that he’d caught a rabbit all by himself yesterday!  Hearing the howl from Askan had the boy twist midstride to run straight towards the call.  It was hard to be happier than he had been a moment ago, but now his energy had spiked a notch higher at least.

Once Rudy got close into the cluster he looked between the wolves and the strips of cloths.  Hmm.  Daphne and Tika against Askan, Indigo and, Art.  On one hand, Rudy wanted to work with his brother in a fight with numerous wolves but right now the only ones Art would be going against were Daphne and Tika.  Tika was still a total novice to fighting.  Rudy wasn’t sure how much time Daphne put into fighting but it would bound to be less than Art.

Daphne and Tika would need help.  Rudy headed to the pile and slipped on a blue strip about his neck. Making his way to his two sisters and taking a seat for himself, his chest puffed out.  “Sorry Art looks like you’ll have to lose this round.” A smug grin cast to his brother.  The brother who sat with what was sure to be far more skilled opponents.  That didn’t matter as Rudy had no plans of losing.  A quick tail wag greeting and smile to Askan and Indigo.  No plan of losing sounded grand but he had enough common sense to see the odds were bad to attack without a plan.

Rudy looked to his sister-by-blood and sister-by-adoption after taking a moment for fast scheming, “So,” lowering his voice too soft enough the words meant only for his sisters, “We are going to need a plan if this is how it shapes up.  If we each team up on just one of them it will be in their favor.  Either of you fought any of them?  I think two of us need to focus on one target, and the other is in charge of defending the two.  Not so much attacking as just making sure no other wolf butts in.”  This was what Rudy did of course.  Tactical planning? No, not that.  He ran on inspiration and spoke up his inspired thoughts as he had them, selling them to the best of his ability.  His plan could be horrible of course but it was better than no plan at all.  “Unless either of you has a better plan?” Fair to offer that chance, maybe they’d already been thinking on it?
