
It's Got Me Reminiscing



"The Golden Boy"


Expert Hunter (160)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Dream Weaver
Mammoth Hunter1K
01-26-2021, 05:29 PM

Balthier only thought it was a little weird that a girl would want to be like their dad when they grew up. But if he had to think about it, Forte and Psalm he could see leaning towards their dad's skills simply because Aranea wasn't that present. All they had was Allegro and the wolves of Abaven to look up to. Though right in this time, Balthier didn't feel any ill will towards his mother. He loved her as much as he loved his father, regardless of how often she was able to come visit.

Balthier watched as Poem started crafting the raft, listening as she instructed how to weave the sticks together and helping when she asked. The little raft they created, as she had stated, was really only a prototype and he would understand that there wasn't much that the raft could carry. Still, it was amazing to think that the raft could be floatable, and even one day he could make one for himself to fly down the rapids. What would Ruin think then? Bet he'd be a cool kid then.

Balthier would look up excitedly after their work as Poem asked to test it out, and with a swift wag of his tail he wouldn't refuse, "Yeah! You bet!" He'd quickly but carefully pick up the rickety raft with his teeth and trot over to the icy river flow. He was careful not to slip over the bank, but Poem was sure to be watching him. He'd place the raft just on the icy sides of the bank before raising his head and poking the raft with his paw until it made it into the stream and steadily floated across the water. He'd look back to Poem with a big smile, "That was really fun, thanks for showing me Poem." His puppy voice was kind and eager for what he could call a friend regardless of Poem's age difference. And if he was truly honest with himself, which he ignored the thought, he was looking up to Poem with emotions he wanted to feel towards his mother.

Walk "Talk" Think

Balthier can be rated a !M! mature character due to alcohol abuse.