
The Lion & The Mouse




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
01-27-2021, 11:02 AM

Though Relm hated to cold, especially living up north when she was actually settled down, it seemed her body had grown accustomed to it and coming through the springs here would make her rather uncomfortable even if she much rather preferred the warmer weather over the snowy kind. She shook after a moment walking through the steam that stayed level under the trees, no ice or snow plagued the ground under her paws but the grasses were well withered and hardly hosting any plant life you could probably find here during the summer. Maybe the springs and it's trees were affected by the surrounding winter wonderland as the land closed itself in. Maybe a more metaphorical meaning if she was a little older and more realized. But for now she was more focused on making it through the springs quickly so she wouldn't find a frozen chill on the other side.

She would become distracted though, the scent of a stranger lingered through the warm mist, and as she traveled around she would eventually find the dark figure of the man before her. She was generally interested in meeting new wolves whether her father approved or not, so seeking the stranger out would be exciting for her. But as she neared the man and his figure became more clear, she would find herself even more interested as he appeared malled and beaten. Not freshly, but still Relm could only wonder what happened to the man either previously or over time. She would approach him from ahead, the two of them facing each other and she wouldn't call out to announce her presence. Instead stopping a few feet away if he allowed, tilting her head as she examined him. "How'd you get all those scars?" A greeting was clearly not what she had in mind. But no matter how the male ended up this way, Relm would show little fear to his appearance. She was never really one to be afraid, only a couple instances she could pull from her memory. Otherwise she figured her daddy would come the her aid if someone was truly out to harm her.

Walk "Talk" Think